Willie Nelson is one of the greatest musical artist of all time. He has a song called Oh Lord, it’s hard to be Humble, that was on a broadcast this morning with the announcement that he will be at the Houston Rodeo tonight. The lyrics gave me inspiration this morning. The lyrics say ” oh Lord it’s hard to be humble when you’re perfect in every way, I can’t wait to look in the mirror because I get better looking each day. To know me is to love me , I must be a hell of a man, Oh lord its hard to be humble, but I’m boing the best that I can.” I really love the song. I remember hearing it as a young girl, me and my dad would sing along as it played on the radio. This song brings back some wonderful memories.
My featured photo today comes from our trip to Mexico 2 week ago. My husband took it. He is a early riser if when we are on vacation. It’s the sunrise over the Gulf of Mexico. I didn’t get up before any sun rises on the cruise. I sleep though most morning events. Which is very weird. Even though we had a balcony suit, we had to leave the room for coffee. And it was cold and windy every day we where at sea.
I have so many sun rises and sun sets in my camera roll from my trucking days. It is so quite in the morning and I enjoyed watching the sun come up as I drink my coffee in the mornings to start my driving day before the highway was busy with travels and other 18 wheelers when we where over the road truckers. I miss being on the road, watching the start and end of a new day.
Sun setting w/rainbow hallow, I was driving west thru Missouri Sun setting as we where traveling west thru Ohio Pennsylvania
Being on the road was a hug challenge for me in the beginning so I had to ask my Husband to come out with me and he taught me the ends and outs of trucking.
Now we are home and there are more challenges that I will learn to over come. I’m so thankful for another day.
Can Humility make you more Humbling?
Stray Positive… Stay Focused… Stay Prayerful….