I don’t get what blogging accomplishes.
When I first got the idea of putting my photos on line for persons and businesses to purchase, I thought it would be a great way to show off, what I believe are really great photos from all around the USA. I love and enjoy photography, learning editing and Lightroom has been a challenge thought. So a lot of my first photos placed on my site are pure and unedited , and I’m still very proud of what I have accomplished. It is not just a side ” Hussle”, but An Aspiration to show the peacefulness you can find in a good photo, Something I can pass on to others that need and want it. So if these blogs are ever read please understand that their are some days that I don’t speak 300 words but I will try to give you 300 words from my heart. True words, thoughts and stories.
Once I figured out creating a website was not in my field of expertise , I tried to do it any way, and I went damn near bald headed from trying. So I started spending a lot of money , time, shame, sweat and tears getting this site started with the paid help of professionals. And I haven’t solid one photo, hopefully when I start printing things will get going. I have more than 10000 photos I want to edit and enhance, on top of that I need to name them give them a description and get them add to my site. I have a lot OF work to do outside of making a living to pay the bills and help be a positive remodel in my children and grand children’s life. CHOICES AND CHANCES
After spending over $7000 for business licensing, web host, web building, leaning programs, and paid advertising and marketing, I was told that I would need to start using social media to put my work out there. My 1st thought was ” what will I be paying a marketing team for”, but I didn’t say that. I voiced my dismay and agreed to try. I had only tried using social media once in 5 years. When I was told I need to tweet, and blog I was really confused. I’m a little slow on the new technologies BECUASE I HAD NO INTEREST, so I was and still am against and unfamiliar with all these new ways people communicate. But I’m learning a little at a time and getting in done on the fly.
When I was informed about blogging, HOWEVER, in my mind I thought again ” what the hell is that.” Now you would need to understand that to me, I am a pretty boring person. At the time, when I began this journey, I woke up at 7am started driving by 9am, drive 9 to 11 hours a day then went to the sleeper for bed, this was my day. Outside for taking a 2 to 3 hour break for exercise and photography. I led a simple life and loved every moment. There isn’t anything about me or in my life that anyone would be INTERESTED in and they still aren’t. I believed that people would see my photos like them, buy THEM and that would be it. But no that would be to simple, I needed to blog. And then I was instructed to be careful of my words and the speech I used. Well then I thought I’m really not going to succeed with this blog thing. First I have to figure out what to write\blog about then I have to be mind full of my words. And I needed to write 300 words or more at least 3 time a week at first, then only once a week. What’s the point?
I worked as a CSR Dispatcher for 7 years before becoming a truck driver and then a truck driver for the last 8 years. I love simplicity, although my thoughts can go real deep. Like I believe what works for 1 person does not always work for another person. Or. what works for 1 group of people does not work for all persons. Being simple has keep me “almost” sane. This Blogging, Posting, Face booking is driving me crazy insane. But I have put to mush time , money , and tears in to stop now. But still what’s the point?

If you are a Blogger, Can you please give me some insight?