Have you ever just… Have you ever just Been… Have you ever just Had… Have you just ever…
Is the world moving so fast that some days you just….
Will you allow life to move around you and you just stand still. Just allow life to happen with no input from you for just 1 moment?

Start at the beginning. What is your first memory of life? I can only go back to when I was the age of 7 or so, when I got this 1 1/2 inches on my forehead.
See, I have a very large family, most of them I don’t see very often. So when the elders in my family see me and the first words I hear are ”Monique” , that’s what my Shreveport family calls me, ” do you remember when.” Or my older aunts call me ”Romona do you remember that time I took you on the bus through 5th ward”. NO I really don’t remember , but I always say yes. I do have a lot of vague memories but they are so clouded with what others have told me until I don’t know if they are true memories.
So today I was on a train of taught that takes me to… have I ever just sat down and thought about how fast the world is moving around me. When I’m driving down the highway and the speed limit is 70 , I set the cruise control at 67. You would think I was driving 50 mph the way everyone on the road is passing me by. I think to my self what is the rush. Do people ever take time to set down and eat now days. My kids even fix plates , eat standing and out the door. my grand kids run around eating snacks. playing on there devices. Has the main tool of life become multitasking. I don’t think there is any thing wrong with being able to do more than one thing at a time but have you ever wanted to focus on one task and then breath before you get started on another?
While on the road I have enjoyed being able to get out of our truck , leave the cell phone, set under a shade tree with Pearl( my canon) and just look out at all the things rushing by and all the other beautiful things that stand still and wait to be admired. Taking photo and viewing life in a still frame is so preciuos to me. I wish we all could just be happy with the life we chose to live at the moment and stop rushing so fast thru life. Rushing to be. Rushing to do. I have come to realize that what ever God has planned for me will be, no matter what I have planned for my self. Yes, we have to work hard and be diligent in our aspirations. but their is nothing wrong with slowing down every once in a while and enjoying what we have. Being content with the stillness thru my lens, makes me happy, knowing that there is a whole world out there just waiting on what I can create thru the lens of a trucker is good for my.

Have you ever just stopped and Enjoyed the taste of your coffee, warm and creamy, as you set at a table, looking out a window at a sunrise?