Needing to Adapt to my new surroundings . ?
Yes, their is a period and a question mark after that statement.
For the last 8 years when I had to go to the bathroom , I had to wait.
If I wanted to wash my face with hot running water while brushing my teeth, I sometimes had to wait. If I was in an uninhabited area, I had I wait. If I wanted to wash my hair , I had to wait. If I needed to make or receive a phone call , I had to wait. And guess what, ‘ Time didn’t stop and wait for me.”
Technology did not wait for me. The lives of others, that may have needed and wanted me, did not wait for me. Their time would not wait for me.
That tree, that I see, Thru my Lens each day, although on a different day, on the same highway, traveling the opposite way, didn’t wait for me.
You see, it’s not only people that must chance and grow. Who am I to defy life? My individuality. Because You pray a hundred times a day, does not mean that my once a day prayer isn’t just as efficient. You may be the person that will text your mother and I may rather call to her my moms voice. We must do what will work for use to achieve to aspiration we desire while some times arriving with the same effect. ” O” Just because I think it Doesn’t make it true or the correct way for you and your aspirations. But it works for me.

Do I need to change because technology has changed? Maybe in some ways’ but is choosing to write with my pen versus typing better? . Is a book more absorbed if you read it or if you use audible and have if read too you?.
Do I need to change to fit into another persons mind sets? Four My Aspirations I choose to
Stay Positive… Stay Focused… Stay Prayerful…
When you aspire to… Will you… What is your Personal perception of life?