Over sized Loads
I want to add over size loads to my Driving portfolio.

Learning to do over size loads.
Once I get my website learned and working with efficiency and producing properly, I want to put my hands in heavy loads. I have been told that a heavy hall trucker can move one load and make what an over the road\long hall trucker can make in one week. And another reason I want to do over size loads is, so that I can understand the additional complexities’ that these drivers deal with because it will make me a better driver. Find of like Flat Beders. Learning how to properly secure, tie down and have the flat bed trailer loaded. I believe we all should better under stand all commercial vehicles on the road and how to drive the road while in the vicinity of a large load.
While traveling from coast to coast I’ve seen so many types and sizes of items being transported that I really never thought about. Like Wind turbines. We see them every where, from state to state, but I didn’t realize that they are mostly 3 very large and long pieces. I assumed wind turbines where many smaller parts that were assembled in the location of placement.

Or the large farm equipment. Even Rail cars. The parts to cranes even need to be moved as heavy loads. Mobile homes were the most supersizing to me to see, a Half a house moving down the road in front of me, really amazed me when I first started driving.
I was so intrigued that I only took a few photos of the most memorable items. So stay tuned to my blog and I hope you will be as intrigued as I was.
Wow 🤩 yall really transport EVERYTHING!!